Hills (but walking, not running)
After my long 10 mile run this morning, I didn't take it easy - I set off to walk up one of the nearby hills that overlook the city of Graz.
Like most other European cities, Graz has a superb tram system, that's very easy to use and navigate. A No. 1 tram took me to the start of the walk. It was tough uphill climbing all the way. Surrounded by trees, there was no view of the city. At the top, I lost my phone signal, and got hopelessly lost. It was an interesting feeling- no technology to rely on; totally relying on your wits and intuition. A refusal to panic even though there was no one else about, I decided to carry on walking the way I thought I should go. I eventually stumbled on an old sign which (sort of) pointed the way. 45 minutes later, I was back in civilisation, with other walkers and bikers coming into view. Phew!
20 minutes later, I was back on a tram back to my apartment..
One last look at the city's iconic buildings:
Needless to say, I'm completely knackered now. It's another early start tomorrow for an all day journey to Frankfurt. On the (almost) last leg of this amazing trip
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